Western vs Chinese opera

Western vs Chinese opera



The dances in western opera are ballet, ballroom or an old fashioned dancing etc. In Chinese opera, the dances are like the Asian traditional dance.

Western opera setting can be set in any period or places. It can be set in the ancient time, medieval, 17th century, 18th century , 19th century , early 20th century or a magical land etc. Some western opera are adapted by a famous novel or play (e.g. Madame Butterfly opera by Puccini was adapted by  a short story "Madame Butterfly" (1898) by John Luther Long.) etc. Some opera can be about some things that base on a composer life or a famous people life. Sometime it can set in different country.

In Chinese opera, it is set in Chinese dynasty time only. Normally it set in Qing dynasty but it can be set in other dynasty like Ming dynasty etc.

the western opera plot can be about any thing base on the western or European historical time. It can be a fantasy (like the magic flute opera by Mozart.)


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